Started out my Friday with setting up my Dad's turkey for its mount. I trim the excess meat off the bottom of the tail fan before coating it in borax and pinning it to a large piece of cardboard. I make sure that the feathers are all evenly spaced so the mount will look the best it can, had to look good as it is his first turkey. Also it has to look good for my display at express fest because my dog Jake destroyed the fan from my bird. I was using it as a decoy, which helped lure in my Dad's bird, then left it in the breezeway while went to get it registered. Jake had a field day and ripped the thing to shreds. So much for that display. The weather was gorgeous out so my girlfriend and I thought it would be fun to hike Mount Kearsarge. We could see all the way to campus from the top since there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Beautiful day to spend outside, I felt bad thinking of the kids stuck in classrooms. I ended my evening with a little fly tying, trying some new streamers that I saw in a field and stream magizine.
Hours soent in Project today: 1.5
Hours soent in Project today: 1.5
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